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The Begging Bowl

Our minister up north in the summers gave the best sermon I have ever heard, called "The Begging Bowl". He said that we plan our lives with day planners, etc. in increments of 15 to 30 min. a slot and don't leave time for miracles. That monks in monasteries used to go out with begging bowls and whatever food or money they were given provided for their daily needs. They never knew from day to day what the begging would bring, but always had faith in it.

He said today, we all need to save time in our lives for the unexpected miracles and if we are not looking for them they will pass by us unnoticed, unappreciated, and wasted. He said he kept an empty bowl on his desk to remind him of the miracles that would fill his bowl every day.

I live my life with that begging bowl on my desk, but also in my mind. Every day is an adventure and the tougher things get, the more I let go to allow miracles to flow.

Last night as I was moving furniture back into the bedrooms I worked on, a futon bed frame just would not fit through the bedroom door from the hall. I tried to figure it out and then decided to just go with it and trust in a miracle. I swear to you it glided right through that door and there really was no way it looked like it was going to fit. If I can't find things, I clear my head and wait for a miracle to lead me to them, and almost always I am led to them.

It is amazing the things that show up in life on a daily basis that seem to fit together as if by magic. You run into someone who mentions something that leads you to a solution to a problem. Chance? No, I believe the miracles in life are the pieces of a giant puzzle all fitting together to make our lives flow the way they are supposed instead of starting each day with a rigid plan...I allow it to flow.

Somehow life seems much better that way.

Enjoy the rest of your week.



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